Milorganite Blog: Green and Growing.

A raised bed garden elevated above the surrounding terrain allows you to control its health and drainage. Learn the pros and cons of different materials to build…
Lawns can be stressed during extended periods of rainless weather. Letting lawns go dormant—brown—may be the best solution. Lawn diseases can also be problematic.
This summer your opponent is the weather. Set your lawn up for success with these tips from Allyn Hane, the Lawn Care Nut.
Permeable paved walks and drives can add beauty to your landscape and increase property value while helping to reduce stormwater runoff and water pollution.
Chemical lawncare products Q&A. Selecting what kind of fertilizer, herbicide, insecticide, pesticide and fungicide to use, how much and when it should be applied.
Don’t let limited space stop you from creating a garden. Creative ideas and gardening techniques can help you get the most out of your small spaces.
Learn what nutrients help make your grass green with the Lawn Care Nut, Allyn Hane.
Find the best grass seed varieties for your lawn. Consider location, climate, growing conditions and lifestyle. How to read grass seed labels is also essential.
Avoid the Don’t Implement the Do’s to grow healthy, beautiful and long lived trees and shrubs in your landscape.